If you experience shortcomings in your student work environment, in the first instance you should contact one of the people below:
Course director
Someone responsible for the course you are studying, e.g. one of the course management team or another member of teaching staff you have confidence in. During a VFU/VIL, placement, contact the supervisor at the location of your placement if possible.
Study counsellor
Contact details for your study counsellor
The student health and safety representative and your student union
Student health and safety representative
If you feel that there are shortcomings in your student work environment, you can contact your principal student health and safety representative, studenthalsa [at] mfskane [dot] se (studenthalsa[at]mfskane[dot]se)
You may also contact the student health and safety representative or someone at the student union to which your course/programme belongs:
The student health and safety representative is your closest representative on matters concerning your student work environment, whether it concerns your social, organisation or physical study environment.
Here is a list of all the student health and safety representatives at Lund University, along with information about how they can support you.
Contact a student health and safety representative (Lund University main website)
Student unions
If you wish to contact a student union, the contact details are listed in the links below.
MF Skåne
Biomedicine programme, Medical programme, programmes in Physiotherapy, Audiology and Speech and Language Pathology and the Master’s programme in Public Health:
MF Skåne website
Occupational Therapy, Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Diagnostic Radiology Nursing, Nursing, and foundation year in Health Sciences:
VÅVS Lund website (in Swedish)
Staff with overall responsibility for your student work environment
If you do not receive the response or the support you expect, you can contact someone listed below. They work on a more overall level and have responsibility for your student work environment:
Member of teaching staff with HSE responsibility at the Faculty of Medicine
The member of teaching staff with HSE responsibility is to generally monitor the student work environment and assist faculty management and programme management teams with these duties. (HSE = health, safety and environment)
magnus [dot] abrahamson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (magnus[dot]abrahamson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Work environment and SFAD coordinator for students
The work environment and SFAD coordinator (SFAD = Swedish abbreviation for systematic preventive work against discrimination) supports the teaching staff member with responsibility for HSE)
jenni [dot] erlandsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (jenni[dot]erlandsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Contact information
Student Ombudsman at Lund University Student Unions
+46 7056 66 13
studentombud [at] lus [dot] lu [dot] se
Student Ombudsman website